Intellectual property can take the form of books, artwork, product names, logos, packaging, business methods and information that is kept a secret.

The significance of this type of property is reflected by the wide variety of laws that have developed in order to give it the same protections as other forms of property, such as estates.

Stokoe Partnership Solicitors’ civil legal team recognise the importance of ideas, and how powerful these are in innovation and growth, and will work with you to ensure the most effective protection of IP assets.

Our civil legal team have considerable experience in trade mark disputes, passing off (where a company uses the name or a similar name to an existing business) and infringement of copyright, which ranges from copying garments to unlawfully using architect’s plans.

Stokoe news header - royal courts

07 May 2024

Partner Ernest Aduwa and Solicitor Jessica Sarwat explore the court backlog in Law360

Partner Ernest Aduwa and Solicitor Jessica Sarwat examine the reasons behind the current backlog across the judicial system.